Thread: Dot Windshield
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Old 12-07-2021, 08:50 AM   #8
Getting Wild
Join Date: Nov 2020
Location: NE FL
Posts: 113
Default Re: Dot Windshield

I would use rain x or something like it. The wiper is required for street legal use because of some automotive laws but I would gather that it would cause more problems than fix if someone attempted to drive and use the wiper at the same time.

Additionally, because of the seam in the middle of the windshield the wiper the blade will not have proper contact through 3/4 of it's journey and do a flat out horrible job of actually wiping the windshield.

Would not bother with electric nor a non drill option. Use what you can to pass street legal and use rain x.

Also, if you have a dealer that picks up your cart, or ever want to fold down the windshield, make sure you have a cloth or something to put in between the wiper and the bottom windshield as it will get scratched heavily from all the shaking from either riding or being on the back of a trailer (saying this from experience)
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