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Old 02-09-2011, 04:57 PM   #7
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Default Re: Grounding question for reducer

I believe the answer is it depends upon how much you will use the 12v accessories. If you will use them seldom, tap into 2 & it is no big deal. If you use them a lot they will be more depleted than the rest of the pack. (lower voltage) Each time you recharge these 2 will require more time to recharge & since the charger can not put more back into just one pair it put more back into all the batteries until the sum voltage reaches the preset shut off voltage. The charger doesn't care how it reaches this shut off number. 2 low and 4 high? It can't see this...& this imbalance can hurt the other 4. Club Car draws off of the two under the drivers seat... ask the guys in the CC section and they will tell unanimously that the 2 batteries under the drivers seat weaken first and their weakness draws the rest of the pack down again and again....It really depends upon how much you will use them.
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