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Gas EZGO Gas EZGO Marathon, Medalist, TXT and RXV.

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Old 10-03-2010, 07:40 AM   #1
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Default 91 EZGO 2 cycle

I have a 1991 Marathon. Starts up fine, goes great for about 50 yards, then dies. Take foot of the gas and then depress the pedal again and it will go about 10 foot and dies again. This also happens in reverse.Did some more checking by jacking up rear end and pressing the gas pedal. Have found that it quits firing when it dies out but when you depress the pedal again it starts firing again. Replaced the coil and still does not work.
I tried replacing the Igniter with a HEI unit . The cart runs now but doesn't rev much and has no power. The engin seems to get hot alot quicker than it did before. I put the old igniter back on and the power and speed was back to normal but same as befor it would only run about 10 to 30 seconds and shut off. The only good thing that came out of switching to the HEI is that it would keep running and not cut off. I guess that this tells me that my old ignitor is bad. Would the timing have to be reset to run the HEI or should it be the same ? Can any one tell me where to get a new Igniter at the best price?
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Old 10-03-2010, 08:49 AM   #2
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Default Re: 91 EZGO 2 cycle

First, try this trick - reverse the red and blue wires coming from the pulsar coil to the HEI (don't ask me why, but it often works, my cart wouldn't go over about 4mph when I hooked up my HEI conversion, once i reversed those wires it was purring like a kitten again).
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Old 10-04-2010, 08:04 PM   #3
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Default Re: 91 EZGO 2 cycle

Thanks for the reply . I switched the wires and it did make a difference but it still isn't quite up to speed and the longer that I ran it it seemed to get slower. If I new how to check the timing I would check that and see if it was OK. Do you know how that is done or can you tell me where to get an online manual to use . Thanks again
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Old 10-04-2010, 08:34 PM   #4
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Default Re: 91 EZGO 2 cycle

Longshot, but before you get into anything too crazy, did you test the Pulsar? Mine was damaged, and the hell of it is it would work just fine til the motor heated up, then it would stop producing a signal. I replaced the coil, went to HEI, solenoid and regulator, switches, replaced wiring, etc etc and finally it turned out to be the stupid pulsar ... Sorry - I'm reliving the frustration, it was THAT bad!

To test it, unplug it and use a DMM to test the resistance (Ohms) between the red and blue wires - should be between 80 and around 150 (higher is better but anything above 75 is still within spec). Next, switch your DMM to AC voltage (the lowest setting you can) and turn the motor over, you should get a minimum of 1 volt AC, and while the engine is turning over it should not fade or fluctuate.

Another possibility (based on logic) is a faulty solenoid, if it's not disengaging as it should when the motor starts, it can and will heat up FAST and when it gets too hot, can stop passing (or pass inconsistant) voltage to the HEI, coil, etc (this is a common situation when solenoids start to "go" or when people use a standard solenoid and not a "constant on" type). I mention this because the timing is designed to be almost impossible to jump or change with these, so even though a lot of symptoms (such as yours) may SEEM like timing issues almost invariably they aren't.

One more thing to ponder, HEI conversions tend to sometimes not like stock coils, I've read that they do much better with either GM-style or at least a high-output type (which is what I used) due to less resistance (stock coils can run up to 4 or 5 ohms resistance, while high-output styles are much lower, in the 1.5-2ohm range) - if your cart is running *close* to normal but is losing a little over time, it could be that ...

Also, (man there are a lot of variables here) another thing I personally encountered that was similar was due to my installation of the HEI and it not being heatsinked well enough (I made a bracket for it and it would overheat and cut out after about 10min of running) - I ended up grinding a bare spot on the frame and mounted the HEI directly to the bare metal and it completely mitigated that issue ... Another 15min worth of scewing around, I know, but it could be time well spent if it helps.

Lastly (and very simple) is to check your muffler for obstructions or buildup. 2-stroke mufflers tend to pick up a lot of oily residue and sludge over the years, and when cool will pass exhaust just fine but as they heat up, the gunk softens and plugs the baffles partially, causing a lack of power. Just pull the bolts holding the exhaust pipe to the muffler so there's a gap there (no need to remove the muffler) and take it for a really LOUD ride for a bit and see if the loss of power persists - if that solves things there's a really easy way to clear it we can get into later.

(sorry about the long post, but I'm just trying to share all the "free" fixes I've used and/or encountered before you get too frustrated or start throwing money at it!)
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Old 10-04-2010, 09:33 PM   #5
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Default Re: 91 EZGO 2 cycle

Thanks for all the info and don't worry about the post being long. The more info the better. I will give all of these a try and let you know how it turns out
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Old 10-06-2010, 06:56 PM   #6
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Default Re: 91 EZGO 2 cycle

I have a couple of questions on the pulser and the solenoid. I checked the pulser and had 145 ohms but I only got a little over a 1/2 volt AC when turning the motor over and am not sure which terminals to check the solenoid on. If you can possably explain this to me it would be great. I did add a heat sink from a junk computer to the aluminum bracket that I have the HEI mounted on and now the cart seems to be running up to speed and dosn't seem to slow down after riding it for a while but I am still curious about the pulser and solenoid test.
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Old 10-06-2010, 07:28 PM   #7
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Default Re: 91 EZGO 2 cycle

Glad you're up and running - that heatsinking goes a looooooong way with the HEI's !!!

As to testing your solenoid, I wouldn't neccesarily worry about it too much if you're running OK now, if it was sticking (or the wrong type) the easiest test of all would be the smell (they really stink when they get overheated) plus after a couple of minutes of running stuck it would be so hot you could literally feel the heat coming off it a few inches away.

As to the Pulsar, as long as you're over 1/2v you're still in spec, although on the low side - 145ohms is right on the money though. From what I've read (and learned through the expert help I recieved from Greg at Buggies Unlimited) Pulsars rarely go bad unless they are physically damaged (as mine was) so again, unless you're experiencing more strange anamolies while running the cart, it sounds like your igniter was just going bad and a properly cooled HEI should keep you running!
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Old 10-06-2010, 07:44 PM   #8
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Default Re: 91 EZGO 2 cycle

Thanks for All your help. I may even add another heat sink just to be on the safe side but for now all is good.
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