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Old 06-19-2012, 12:25 AM   #1
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Default sludge in crankcase

So its been a while since I've been on this forum but I'm kinda puzzled.
I built a G-2 last year from ground up. When I rebuilt the engine I used factory parts as in rod bearings piston rings valves and gaskets. I also replaced the roller bearings for the crank. I put plowmans advance key in it and jetted the carb and put a KN filter on it.I lifted it with Jakes 6 inch kit and put 10" 22s (tires) if my memory serves me. I was never really impressed with it even though I could get 23-25 mph out of it with the govonor removed. It always seemed to vibrate to much even in neutral. I also have a stock G2 that is smooth as could be.This is my reliable one that I use to compare all my additions to.So with all that said this weekend I drove the lifted one and it just kept getting slower and slower like it was over heating so I parked it. Its always been my thought that I got the balance shaft off(out of time) ( my vibration problem) so I pulled out the eng and took it home to see what i could see. I disassembled it today and when I pulled off the side cover much to my suprise it was not out of time but there is a lot of sludge in the crank case,slivery kind of sludge. The engine probably only has 10 hours on it. It stays in a camp ground in Northern Calif. I pulled the rod bearing and its is fine.Tomorrow I will reluctantly pull off the cyl head and check the piston and cyl wall.The piston was the stock size so I could always go 50 over if need be. I have been a mechanic ( technician) for 30 years so my pride is slightly wounded but only a little bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated . Thanks in advance Tom
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Old 06-19-2012, 05:05 PM   #2
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Default Re: sludge in crankcase

Well I pulled the head off and piston out and much to my suprise it all looks fine.
So back together it goes with new gaskets and a valve adjustment. I am thinking about my vibration issue and sudden loss of power possibly being related to my used stock clutch. Still dont know where all the sludge came from. I hot tanked everything prior to starting my rebuild process.Prior to removing the eng I did run it in neutral and watched both primary and secondary clutches operate and they seemed fine,(I had installed a plowmans secondary clutch kit on initial rebuild) but the primary one is the original clutch . when the clutch cover was removed all was in tact still,no broken weights but it is a little noisey and makes a loud clack when the accelerator is initially im grasping at straws and thinking about fitting a comet clutch to it instead of putting the original one back on.Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading Tom.
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Old 06-20-2012, 12:00 AM   #3
Mike Mac
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Default Re: sludge in crankcase

If there is metal in the sludge, you need to find what is chewed up. Is it steel or aluminum. Could it have flat lobed the cam? Doubt that,but... Could the cam gear move over and rub the case? Is the rod facing the correct direction?

I would disassemble the clutch and make sure one of the shafts or weights is not broken (somewhere where you can't see it)
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Old 06-20-2012, 12:20 PM   #4
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Default Re: sludge in crankcase

good morning mike thanks for your input, the sludge appears to be thick grey matter with no metal in it.I poured the oil through a coffee filter and compressed it to get a true look at the matter.No metal at all just grey clay type stuff that looks like .....clay. When i removed the eng and drained it it was bone cold so this may have normally drained out if it were hot...I dont know, right now Im just going to put it back together and see what happens. I need it back together for the fourth of july week.I am on to other things like the clutch.I did disassemble it and the shaft is worn and the plastic slides do have play in them,
I have always wanted a new clutch for this thing as its the only thing I have not built yet . the clutch its self has wear in it as you can rock it side to side( opposite of in and out) like it needs bushings and the seal has weeped grease on to the belt pulley face not alot, but I only had one pump of grease in it to start.I had sprayed silicone chain lube on the rest of the sliding parts and it is clean..looks like it did when I closed it up prior to riding it.I emailed Tom at CPP and asked him about his clutch he is offering on that web site. I need a clutch to climb hills this thing just boggs down on hills and my camp site is in a valley with substantial hills on both sides with no running start and my feeling is its working to hard causing it to run to hot and possibly bakeing this thing and maybe my sludge is the oil cooking all though it doesnt smell over heated. I cant tell if the clutch is opening to fast,but that is what it feels like.It just wont hold high rpms for climbing,it starts out for a second or two then flattens out boggs down and you can walk up the hill faster ....what an embarrasement fancy cart with big wheels lifted and all painted up and some old crapper flys by ya like your sitting still. Anyway sorry for the long post Im just trying to get to the bottom of all my thoughts in one post. Thanks Tom
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Old 06-20-2012, 10:01 PM   #5
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Did you ever use any additives or seafoam or something that gummed up in there?

I am getting ready to add some performance parts to my lifted g2. I feel you about going slow up hills. Let me know what you end up doing, who you buy it from, and prices.

I have only talked to plowmans and they seemed expensive but knowledgable. We shall see....
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Old 06-20-2012, 11:09 PM   #6
Mike Mac
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Default Re: sludge in crankcase

I would put it together again, if it repetes its shame shananagin's I would start with secondary clutch maint and then start basic maint program. Got to be something simple. Did the motor reach high R's?
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Old 06-21-2012, 12:28 AM   #7
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Default Re: sludge in crankcase

Hi thanks for the replys first question no Im not a big additive fan,and I will let you know about what I decide to do about the clutch. Second Hi Mike I ordered the gaskets today to go back together,I took a deeper look at the primary clutch and just dont see a whole lot...Ya there is play in the plastic slides not alot and there is play in the spider that fits on the splines but once its tightened up by the clutch bolt itshould take that slop up. My thoughts are it is in the secondary clutch perhaps I need to call plowmans and ask about a stiffer spring.I know on their web site they show several springs in different color mine is yellow, maybe that doesnt climb as well as others. I have more clutch questions so Im going to end this post and start another about my clutch questions. Thanks for reading and contributing to my post. Tom
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Old 06-21-2012, 07:57 AM   #8
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Default Re: sludge in crankcase

When you talk to Don @ Plowmans, tell him what you have and what you want to do with it and he'll tell you what you need, end of story. They are great people and have a great turn around time on parts.
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Old 06-21-2012, 08:12 AM   #9
Mike Mac
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Default Re: sludge in crankcase

Tom, just thinking, when you get it together again, do a compression test at some point.
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Old 06-21-2012, 10:52 AM   #10
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Default Re: sludge in crankcase

Ya Mike thats a good idea I probably should have done that first,
So I called Plowmans today and he is closed for inventory Just my luck
nothin like bringing it down to the last minute. Tom
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