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Old 06-02-2009, 09:40 PM   #1
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Default Engine runs then stops--will not restart

I have a 1993 Club Car that is giving me some problems. The other day I was driving it and then I stopped to put up some gardening tools and the engine kept running (popping and farting for a few seconds then it stopped running) I could not restart it after that happened. I pushed it into the garage and started checking for spark. NO SPARK! I had removed the rev limiter and replaced the ignitor two years ago so I checked all of the wires going to the ignitor--no problem found! I finally decided to replace the wires going to the ignitor because there were several factory plug in connectors that I had questions about. After replacing these wires I checked for spark again---still nothing! About that time I decided to have supper--after supper I came back to work on the cart and I had spark! The cart started up and I ran it around the property for a few minutes (doing some gardening chores) the cart started to run rough and then the engine stopped running again. I tired to restart it but it would just crank over but would not start. Back to the garage again! I relocated the ignitor to the frame so that it was easier to get at if needed--making sure that it was properly grounded. I fooled with this, that and everything--and finally it started up. I drove it around for a few minutes then I hit a bump and it sputtered and stopped running. So I thought I had a loose wire. I checked everything and found nothing. I removed the shroud that covers the flywheel/fan assembly to check the coil (boy was that fun! that one bolt that is between the engine and the muffler bracket was a pisser. I'll bet those guys at Club Car are still laughing about that one!) Anyway--the coil looked okay--but I replaced the wire going from the coil to the ignitor (I had only replaced part of that wire before) Then I called tech support at BU and the guy there said to cut the wire that goes from the ignitor wire to the kill limiter switch to see if that may be a problem. By this time I have more and more pieces of this cart laying all over the garage floor and I am still getting intermittent spark! So I decided to put it back together and see if I will run.

Where I am at this point is that the engine will start and run for about 10 seconds and then it will stop ( I put a small tester in line to the spark plug and I can actually see the spark when the engine is running and then the spark stops and the engine dies-- I have ruled out a fuel problem) If I wait a few minutes (five at the most) it will restart and do the same thing again.

I am guessing that I need to replace the ignitor--how long are those supposed to last--two years is not very long. Should I replace the coil as well? Is any one supplier better than another. I bought the last ignitor from BU. I saw one ignitor online for $35 but it was used--that was scary! I saw a thread here that someone had written that you can purchase a coil with the ignitor built in for a 97-up club car and it would replace the original two piece unit--is that a good thing to do--or do I just pay more the next time that the ignitor goes bad?

Any help/suggestions is appreciated.
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Old 06-02-2009, 09:58 PM   #2
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Default Re: Engine runs then stops--will not restart

I just went out to the garage and started the engine to see how long it would run. It was running great and it was running longer than 10 seconds like before. As it was running I took a screwdriver and tapped on the ignitor very lightly with the plastic handle and the engine sputtered and died. It started up again and I did the same tapping thing and the engine died again. I thought that the ignitor was a solid state device with no moving parts??? Must have something going on inside the ignitor---yes???
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Old 06-03-2009, 06:40 AM   #3
What the ....?
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Default Re: Engine runs then stops--will not restart

Welcome to BGW fred93!
Your definitely on the right track!

I haven't done this, but it's to my understanding,
that an ignitor from a weed whacker works well for a replacement,
at a quarter of the cost! (Crash???)

I hope you get it worked out!

(cut the wire.... had to have been CF! )

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Old 06-03-2009, 08:54 AM   #4
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Default Re: Engine runs then stops--will not restart

Any particular brand of weed eater??
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Old 06-03-2009, 08:59 AM   #5
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Default Re: Engine runs then stops--will not restart

Looks you did a fine job of diagnostics
I will PM crash and ask him to look at this thread so we can find out what he is using.

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Old 06-03-2009, 09:44 AM   #6
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Default Re: Engine runs then stops--will not restart

Thanks--I have called a local shop and asked about an ignitor for a weed eater and they go by model number only--so I guess that I would need a brand name and a model number of some sort.

The other thing is that I was thinking of replacing the coil as well as the ignitor--should I use the later model (97 up) coil/ignitor assembly that you fellows have mentioned in other threads??? Are the combo coils less likely to have ignitor problems??? Is it a easy swap out??? I just start thinking that if the ignitor goes bad in the 97 up coil combo it will cost more to replace---yes???
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Old 06-03-2009, 09:47 AM   #7
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..... if it is a combo it is gonna cost more and be harder to get to ....right?
Wait for Crash if you can.....I sent him a PM re this thread....
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Old 06-03-2009, 10:11 AM   #8
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Default Re: Engine runs then stops--will not restart

Wow. That's probably one of the best post I've seen where someone actually methodically tries to diagnose their cart and explains everything they've done to find their problem. We don't see alot of that around here. I'm impressed. Even I almost understood it.

Nice job Fred
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Old 06-03-2009, 10:14 AM   #9
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Default Re: Engine runs then stops--will not restart

I know, HUH? Usually it's like I Drove my cart to the corner store .... I bought a quart of milk, a box of crunchy banana oats, and six pack ..... why won't my cart start?
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Old 06-03-2009, 11:16 AM   #10
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Default Re: Engine runs then stops--will not restart

Thanks for the compliment guys! I guess 20 years of owning a auto repair business in FL and 45 years of restoring classic cars as well as 8 years working as a service advisor for Nissan in CA have helped me to explain and diagnose mechanical problems somewhat better than the average Joe. Although I do have a tendency to get a bit wordy at times.
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