Looking for HELP ! ! !
I have a handicap son who uses a 2001 EZ G0 TXT to get around. Recently we dorve the cart into the shed for the night and hooked up the charger. The next time we attempted to move it there was not response from the motor when the accelerator pedal was pushed. The back up alarm works and the selenoid clicks but nothing else. All of the batteries are about 2 months old and test as being fully charged. The cabels all appear to be in good condition. I have disconnected the cables to the motor, installed jumpers between A2 and S2 as well as A1 and S1, then hooked up a single battery directly and the motor works. With everything hooked up as normal, when I press the accelerator pedal the selenoid clicks and there is an increase in the voltage across the selenoid. This same voltage is reaching the motor but nothing is happening. The micro switch in the V-glide seems to be working because it acctivates the selenoid when depressed.
What else could it be ? ? ?
Is there a troubleshooting schematic available that shows the appropriate voltages that should be available at various connection points under specific condidtions. This would at least help me get into the right area or isolate a component.
Any help would be appreciated.