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Old 06-07-2022, 07:36 AM   #20
Not Yet Wild
Mixed Breed
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 29
Default Re: Advanced EV Board

I am a retired electrical engineer, so I kind of understand how the pedal works, but I am no expert on this type of control as I have never designed one. It is unlikely (but not impossible) they would use a pot to adjust the voltage with all the cheap, preset solid state devices out there. It is more likely, one is gain and the other is offset. In other words, the gain would affect the sensitivity of the hall effect sensor(s) that sense rotation of the shaft, via the lobed ring. The closer it gets to the sensor, the more output. If the gain is set too high, it will reach maximum output before it reaches the highest spot on the cam, which is what I think is happening. If it's set too low, you would never reach full output. I can watch the behavior using the monitor and it reaches full output long before full pedal range is reached. I did (as sleepelesstwo suggested) move the ring to get the switch to come on earlier and that at least made it drivable, but it is still not right. I adjusted it as far as I could without having it trip too easily. As you point out, that makes it non functional, since the safety feature prevents motion unless the switch can toggle between on and off. If the second pot is offset, that would affect the starting voltage that is emitted by the device, but it does indeed start at zero so I don't think that is playing a role in the problem. Now that you've made me think about it a little more, I may try to mess around with the settings. It would actually be pretty simple, just have to be mindful of the current setting position in case it gets even worse in the process. I could use the monitor with the motion switch set to neutral. That would allow me to change the pot setting and see what it does to the voltage/throttle position profile. Out of curiosity, what did the accelerator pedal cost you? I have thought of just going that route also but don't know where to get one. I've seen them online, but not sure if it's the exact same one.
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