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Gas EZGO Gas EZGO Marathon, Medalist, TXT and RXV.

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Old 06-21-2010, 02:35 PM   #1
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Default 1988 marathon 244cc robin 2pg engine

I have what I was told is an '88 marathon with the ec25-2pg robin engine. Car was sitting for a couple of years before I got it, had some problems getting it to run good, I think mainly old gas and a stopped up carb, now it runs pretty well, but the muffler, which I think is a cobbled up replacement, is very loud and the clutch(the one from the motor, I think they call it an atlas clutch or something like that), is sticking closed, if I hit the pedal a few times it pops and opens back up. First question: how does that clutch work and how hard is it to overhaul and rebuild? Second question: does anyone know the part number for the correct muffler? It looks like it should be mounted to the brackets under it, but this muffler is just a round style like a tractor uses, there are no mounting brackets of any kind on it. So my cart sounds like a lawn mower without a muffler. Third question: the steering and suspension seem very loose, like the tie rods and wheel bearings are shot. I would like to build this, lift it and add a back seat and some extras like lights, stereo and paint. Anyone have any suggestions? How hard is it to change to a 4 cycle engine? Mine sits sideways with the output shaft at the rear pass side, are there any other engines that have that configuration?

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Old 06-21-2010, 07:41 PM   #2
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Default Re: 1988 marathon 244cc robin 2pg engine

if you have a robin 244 cc 2 cycle engine to change it to a 4 cycle engine you will also have to change the rear axle because it has no reverse gears, you 2 cycle engine runs backward also and that makes you go backward
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Old 06-23-2010, 01:32 PM   #3
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Default Re: 1988 marathon 244cc robin 2pg engine

Originally Posted by bifferd View Post
if you have a robin 244 cc 2 cycle engine to change it to a 4 cycle engine you will also have to change the rear axle because it has no reverse gears, you 2 cycle engine runs backward also and that makes you go backward
HUH? You'd have to change the rear end because the clutches would no longer line up ( instead of them lining up left to right, they would be going front to back) plus you'd be using a transmission instead of running the 2 cycle backwards. The rear ends operate just like those in your truck or rear drive car, however you spin it is which way you go.
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Old 06-23-2010, 01:47 PM   #4
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Default Re: 1988 marathon 244cc robin 2pg engine

Originally Posted by ddw4170 View Post
First question: how does that clutch work and how hard is it to overhaul and rebuild? Thanks,
The primary clutch(engine clutch) will close wehn the engine revs up, wich will pinch the belt and make the cart move. As far as rebuilding it there are no available parts for these, but depending on what is wrong you may be able to fix it. I just redid mine this spring and was able to modify the parts in the clutch to make it work correctly.
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