Best way to check the ignitor
On my 92 Marathon 295 robbins 2cylinder 4 stroke about to give me a stroke.I had it at the cart shed where I could only do hit and run looks at it and then carried it to my shop where I thought I could spend more time but still pretty much the same thing. I am busy trying to get some trucks done I have sold so they kinda take priority. I have found the battery was hooked up backwards by someone trying to"help" me. That little bombshell made me sick in my stomach. So where I thought I had fir e was all not so starting over I still have o.o volts cranking at the pulsar and the ohms side reads o as well so I assume from that it was blown open. The coil is new and I have no fire there on either side of the coil [pos or neg]but on the brighter side of things it appears that the starter is fine as it turns the motor very well when the pedal is pushed. I may catch a moment tomorrow to stop by the cart is there a quick check for the ignitor? I really would like to golf this weekend if possible. Jim