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Old 01-14-2025, 04:20 PM   #1
Not Yet Wild
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 12
Default how much metal shavings is normal in transaxle?

For quite some time I noticed a noise from the rear that I wasn't sure what it was. I was thinking that it could perhaps be something with the brakes, like the pad grinding against the drum.

I found a post elsewhere where somebody asked the same question and it sounded the same as mine, someone suggested the wheel bearing and someone else said that his brakes had sounded like that.

This is what is sounded like:

I was also going to do an oil change in the axle because I realized it had been too long since last time. To my surprise the oil was quite full of very fine metal shavings or tiny particles. The oil was glimmering and when I held a magnet close to it, it would rise toward it..
How much metal can be expected when changing oil? What would you consider normal, especially when it's been more than a years since last time. I had been pulling some trailers etc, sometimes pretty heavy stuff, but probably within what it's rated for in the manual.

I thought that what if the noise I had been hearing had something to do with all these shavings in the oil?
I finally took it apart after not using the vehicle for months, but I can't really see anything obvious. These bearings look good so far from what I can see, so maybe the noise didn't come from here. It's just that I was worried because of the metal and wanted to check.

Now I guess there are some more bearings on the axle out toward the brakes that I need to check, which I guess could be the cause for the noise.

I just wanted to ask you guys for some tips and tricks since I haven't taken something like this apart, what to look for, reassembly etc.
Thank you in advance.

The cart is a Melex 252.
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