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Electric Yamaha Electric Yamaha Golf Cars; G1 through "The Drive" and U-Max Utility Vehicles

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Old 12-07-2018, 07:51 PM   #1
Not Yet Wild
Join Date: Dec 2018
Posts: 6
Default 2014 Yamaha 48v won't move

I recently purchased a 48v yamaha cart from someone. The cart was hardly used, still looks brand new underneath, very clean. Batteries are clean and 5/6 are original. One was replaced in 2017. Test drive cart drove fine, everything worked and looked good. We got the cart home, drove it a few times over a few days, ell was well. Then we took it for a long run one night, batteries tested at 49v before we left. we rode around for a few miles and cart began to slow down in speed and then eventually stopped. We pushed the cart home and i checked the cells in the batteries. A few were low and we added distilled water and topped them off. Then put the cart on the charger. The cart will hold a charge at 52v when removed from the charger. Tried to drive the cart again and nothing...
No action what-so-ever. Did some troubleshooting and everything initially pointed to a possible bad solenoid. I did a continuity test which failed and didn't hear any clicking so I ordered the part and waited. Today the part came in, I swapped it and still nothing. Not the result I was hoping for.

The new one is not clicking either... so neither one make any kind of clicking sound with the key or pedal or anything else I try to do.

Under the seat the Tow/Run switch if toggled will essentially reset the cart and when I have the cart in reverse, it will alarm. Once I step on the gas pedal, the buzzer stops and the cart will not move. toggle the tow/run switch again and the buzzer starts until the gas pedal is pressed. Cart is still measuring 50v and I am not sure where else to look/turn to.

If I measure the incoming (?) side of the new solenoid I get 48v, measure the control panel side and I get 41V? Key on or off, doesn't change.

Model number from inside the seat is a YDREX4 PTV and it is a 2014 Yamaha 48v cart.

Please help...
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