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Old 05-23-2015, 05:58 PM   #11
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Default Re: EZGO TXT Gasoline in Oil

Excellent feedback!! I agree with you all and have dealt with a bad needle valve before. I just never had one fill up the crank case with fuel. I am now curious as to how much compression the OP has in his engine. Are his rings worn badly? You would think that if the needle valve and seat were in really bad shape, you would be having problems with the cart flooding out and running badly......... and he said it was sluggish. So with that being said, two things:

1. Is the cart lifted? If so then refill with only 1.5 qts of oil, and remark the dipstick

2. Is the needle valve and seat truly bad?

Refill with proper amount of oil and maybe look into the carb issue. Maybe just getting the oil level right will fix it.

Another question comes to mind. If the crank case was super full of oil/gas etc., would it not have shown up in the air box coming from the crankcase breather?
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Old 05-23-2015, 10:30 PM   #12
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Default Re: EZGO TXT Gasoline in Oil

Sorry I never got back to you sc, I forgot about this thread until now. The other guys did a great job of explaining though.
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Old 05-25-2015, 06:43 AM   #13
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Default Re: EZGO TXT Gasoline in Oil

No worries!
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Old 05-26-2015, 10:12 AM   #14
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Default Re: EZGO TXT Gasoline in Oil

Originally Posted by sccowboy View Post
Excellent feedback!! I agree with you all and have dealt with a bad needle valve before. I just never had one fill up the crank case with fuel. I am now curious as to how much compression the OP has in his engine. Are his rings worn badly? You would think that if the needle valve and seat were in really bad shape, you would be having problems with the cart flooding out and running badly......... and he said it was sluggish. So with that being said, two things:

1. Is the cart lifted? If so then refill with only 1.5 qts of oil, and remark the dipstick

2. Is the needle valve and seat truly bad?

Refill with proper amount of oil and maybe look into the carb issue. Maybe just getting the oil level right will fix it.

Another question comes to mind. If the crank case was super full of oil/gas etc., would it not have shown up in the air box coming from the crankcase breather?
Guys - I bought a compression tester on Friday night after hunting around at ten different places and have 150 and 155 PSI in the Cylinders. So the compression is where it needs to be.

This is a SLOW leak, a slow process that takes time to gather up it seems.

I have run the cart all over my neighborhood with it in this condition and checked the oil, and not noticed any one BIG change.

The Carb flat needle seems like a darn good possibility - and I am probably just going to buy a carb on Ebay and call it a day - AND maybe get a shut-off valve

** The cart is lifted, and I just changed the oil - added 1.5 Quarts. She runs better now, but the dipstick still smells like gas (and when I changed the oil a lot more than 1.5 quarts came out - and I am the one that changed it and put 1.5 Q in last time

Last edited by RyanChristman24Forge; 05-26-2015 at 10:14 AM.. Reason: Adding info:
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Old 05-26-2015, 07:33 PM   #15
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Default Re: EZGO TXT Gasoline in Oil

well then if the pump diaphragm is intact, the only thing to look at would be that main jet and needle being shot.
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Old 05-27-2015, 08:02 PM   #16
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Default Re: EZGO TXT Gasoline in Oil

a lot of short runs and choking on starts will cause this, once it gets a little fuel on the crankcase, the crankcase vent allows it to suck crankcase vapors into the intake richening up the mixture and compounding the issue, sometimes if you take and remove the crankcase vent and use an auto pvc valve it helps.
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Old 06-04-2015, 09:52 AM   #17
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Default Re: EZGO TXT Gasoline in Oil

Some additional information on this post, and maybe I need to start a new post.

I replaced carburetor - that seems to have stopped the fuel in the oil issue. I replaced the plugs, air filter, changed oil, etc.

Now I have a new issue.

She runs like a champ, but once it warms up it cuts out and starts back firing. I can drive around my neighborhood for ten minutes, up hills, flat ground, great power, and then all of a sudden it just cuts out when it gets hot, and starts to backfire. It will run slow but not at WOT - just bogs.

I replaced the Coil a few months ago and last night I checked the spark - I had spark intermittently on one plug - i swapped out the plug with an old and had good spark on both.

I feel like the coil I bought could be a piece of junk or faulty and possibly stop working after it is put under a load, or could it be a pulsar coil issue?

Are they difficult to replace?

Thank you all for the help


Last edited by RyanChristman24Forge; 06-04-2015 at 09:53 AM.. Reason: adding additional info
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fuel pump?, gas in oil, oil smells like gas
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