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Gas EZGO Gas EZGO Marathon, Medalist, TXT and RXV.

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Old 08-23-2017, 11:21 AM   #1
Not Yet Wild
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Location: lexington, mi
Posts: 15
Default 1982 clutch ramp button replacement and 'clutch tool"

thought I would post a brief description of how I am going about replacing the driven clutch ramp buttons on my 1982 EZGO Marathon. I have been unable to find a diagram of this clutch and decided to dive in anyway. I guess I figured out that I am unable to take the inner clutch half ( the one closest to the read end) off without either removing the rear end (or possibly taking rear end apart), or taking a torch to the cross member which holds the engine AND IS ALSO IN THE WAY; so I have decided to replace the buttons on that half ON THE MACHINE!
First step after removing the battery for safety and a provide a place to put a clamp light and removing the new HEI coil that I had hoped would never be in the way of work on anything else but new better, was to devise a "compressor" to relieve pressure on the outer clutch half and take out the two clips that hold it in place. I used a 3/8" bolt an inch longer than the factory one which I ran thru a piece of channel and used two pieces of 1/2" re-rod between the channel and face of clutch and ran the bolt in a couple of turns to relieve pressure on the two clips which snapped out easily with a narrow screw driver. I then backed off the 3/" bolt and before I ran out of thread I put a little pressure with a pry bar, removed bolt and released bar and it was FREE. I then took out outer clutch which had enough of the button left above the aluminum ramp to just pry out with a sharp chisel. All the good luck ended there! Since I cannot remove inner clutch half and the buttons on it are worn flush with the aluminum I am forced to (TRY) and dig them out while in the cart! I have included a couple of shots of the clutch removal and will post an update as soon as I make some headway.
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Old 08-23-2017, 11:43 AM   #2
Not Yet Wild
Join Date: Jun 2017
Location: lexington, mi
Posts: 15
Default Re: 1982 clutch ramp button replacement and 'clutch tool"

Originally Posted by dragonslayr View Post
thought I would post a brief description of how I am going about replacing the driven clutch ramp buttons on my 1982 EZGO Marathon. I have been unable to find a diagram of this clutch and decided to dive in anyway. I guess I figured out that I am unable to take the inner clutch half ( the one closest to the read end) off without either removing the rear end (or possibly taking rear end apart), or taking a torch to the cross member which holds the engine AND IS ALSO IN THE WAY; so I have decided to replace the buttons on that half ON THE MACHINE!
First step after removing the battery for safety and a provide a place to put a clamp light and removing the new HEI coil that I had hoped would never be in the way of work on anything else but new better, was to devise a "compressor" to relieve pressure on the outer clutch half and take out the two clips that hold it in place. I used a 3/8" bolt an inch longer than the factory one which I ran thru a piece of channel and used two pieces of 1/2" re-rod between the channel and face of clutch and ran the bolt in a couple of turns to relieve pressure on the two clips which snapped out easily with a narrow screw driver. I then backed off the 3/" bolt and before I ran out of thread I put a little pressure with a pry bar, removed bolt and released bar and it was FREE. I then took out outer clutch which had enough of the button left above the aluminum ramp to just pry out with a sharp chisel. All the good luck ended there! Since I cannot remove inner clutch half and the buttons on it are worn flush with the aluminum I am forced to (TRY) and dig them out while in the cart! I have included a couple of shots of the clutch removal and will post an update as soon as I make some headway.
trying again to re-attach pics,,,, hopefully they appear:
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