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Old 10-26-2014, 05:05 PM   #1
Mighty Mouse
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Default Controller Programming?

I have an EZ-GO Medalist TXT, DCS. It has a Curtis controller, P/N is 73144G03. I believe it would be a model 8180? My question, is this controller programmable? As far as controlled acceleration, top speed, etc. I live in a development in northeast Pa where we can run them around on the roads. I plan on taking it off the road in January to do a lot of work on it, some rust repair on the battery box and modifications. Yes, I want more speed and acceleration, lol. I am a forklift mechanic by trade and have some Curtis handsets but don't believe any would work on this. I'm also wondering what you guys like to use for headlights. I have a couple DC-DC converters but they suck juice when not in use, I currently have a 12v LED setup but it drains one battery, I have to keep rotating my power tap. BTW, I have 6-12v AGM batteries, wired in series-parallel. Basically 2-36v banks. OK, I got these for free, new, that's my reasoning. I am considering a 48v conversion but also don't want to sink a ton of money into this. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and opinions. I'm good with the troubleshooting and electrical end because of my trade but you guys are the pros, you know what works. Thanks for the help. Andy
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Old 10-27-2014, 12:00 PM   #2
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Default Re: Controller Programming?

A P# 73144G03 is a Curtis 1206SX controller (300A -36V). It is not programmable and has no low voltage cut-off, so it is vulnerable to low battery conditions and running on low batteries is a common killer. It is also easy to kill by running taller than stock (18") tires.

A DCS cart with an Alltrax DCX400 (or larger) controller has good low end torque and will do about 20 MPH on stock height tires.

Installing taller tires will increase speed, but reduce torque.
Also, avoid low pressure tires, unless you plan on driving where they are needed. (They are amp and speed and torque hogs)

Going to 48V will up both torque and speed by about 1/3.

You have a 2 x 3 x 12V 36V pack now, so are you planning a 2 x 4 x 12V 48V pack?
I take it the 12V AGM batteries are from electric forklifts.

The DCX family of controllers work on 24V to 48V, but the solenoids don't.
The 48V Super-Duty solenoid I have works on 36V and 42V as well as 48V, so I didn't have to change solenoids when I upped the pack voltage.

Carts Unlimited has DCX controller & solenoid kits for a DCS carts.
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Old 11-01-2014, 09:26 AM   #3
Mighty Mouse
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Default Re: Controller Programming?

Wow, thanks for the reply and info Johnnie! Work killed me this week, no chance to even turn on my laptop until this morning.

The AGM batteries are from an account that I had while repairing forklifts. They manufactured and sold scooter type vehicles. When defective or damaged scooters came back, they would be disassembled and scrapped, along with the batteries. They let me "rescue" some batteries. I have some slightly smaller batteries that I could do a 2x4x12v setup for 48 volts. I do keep the tires slightly over inflated, would rather buy new tires every couple years than batteries and electrical parts. It is used strictly on pavement.

A new controller and motor may be a little out of budget, but in the long run probably the best route. Guess we'll have to see how much overtime I can get over the winter. Do you work for or own Carts Unlimited? Thank again!
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Old 11-01-2014, 10:25 AM   #4
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Default Re: Controller Programming?

Several people re-purpose free, or nearly free batteries for their carts.

Of course, regular golf cart batteries typically work best, but the price is right for the free stuff.

Some people use the cart's bagwell for additional battery space. One guy made a two tier stack of aircraft batteries for a 72V pack. I used the empty space under the driver seat for a seventh 6V battery, giving me a 42V pack.

The stock DCS motor is strong and is sufficient for on-road, cross-country and mild off-road. It is just the stock DCS controller and stock solenoid that are weak. The stock high current cables are sub-par also.

I suspect the stock DCS motor has never been serviced, so it may need brushes and bearing, but other than that, it is probably good for another then years. Also, one of the BGW site sponsors (Plum Quick) refurbishes the motor you send them and does some magic in the process for a very reasonable price. Check them out at:

No, I don't own or work for Carts Unlimited. I'm just a very satisfied, repeat customer.
Everything listed in my cart description below came from there, except the tires, batteries and the cart itself.
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