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Old 06-06-2012, 10:34 PM   #1
Tony T.
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Default 81 EZGO gas

New guy here! As the title states I have a 81 2 stroke EZGO. I've been running this thing for a bout a year now. I bought it really cheap from a dealer that had it out back in the parts pile and he thought it was blown up! Turned out it needed a carb gasket! Just have a couple questions since I've been reading around here. I just read that my oil mix should be 128:1. Is this right? That's not much oil! Mine still has the factory sticker in the fuel door and it says 40:1 for break in and 128:1 after that. The dealer I bought from said 128 wasnt enough since our gas now days doesnt contain lead. I've been mixing at about 32:1 because at 40:1 it smells like its getting really hot after I cruise the campground. It doesnt smoke unless I climb a big hill. Is this way too much oil? Also I would like to know if I can get more top speed, I've already adjusted the govenor to what I think is a safe high level. Is the driven clutch able to be adjusted like on a snowmobile? I think that should do it for now. Thanks, Tony!
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Old 06-06-2012, 11:20 PM   #2
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128:1 is correct. That's 1oz/1gal. If you run it hard w/o a governor 100:1. Thats 1.5/1gal.

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Old 06-06-2012, 11:30 PM   #3
Tony T.
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Default Re: 81 EZGO gas

Well I've been running 4 ounces per gallon without fouling the plug or much exhaust smoke so it would make me nervouse to slim down by 2.75 ounces per gallon. Especially since it still smells warm at this mix after driving for about 15 mins at half throttle around the campground. So I'm confused! And I've run probably 20 gallons through at 4 ounces of oil per gallon.
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Old 06-07-2012, 06:29 AM   #4
Dave Box
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Default Re: 81 EZGO gas


The sticker on your cart says 128:1, everyone here is going to say 128:1 and you still want to run at 32:1. Well that's OK it's your cart and you can do whatever you want to it but here are a couple of facts that no one will dispute.

1. Your dealer is a moron. The lead is gasoline was an upper cylinder lubricant, it was there to lubricate the valve stems and the valve seats and that alone. Your little 2PG engine does not have an upper cylinder so you don't need lead and you never did need lead.

2. About 75% of the oil that you are putting in your tank is being vaporized and blown through your engine to collect in your muffler. Here it turns into a nasty sludge that restricts the exhaust and chokes the engine. The standard fix is to remove the muffler and light a big fire. Place the muffler on top and roast it. After about 30 minutes you will see all your excess oil start to burn out as the muffler clears. This normally takes a further 30 minutes but in your case I would look for it taking a little longer possibly 3 or 4 weeks. Now your engine will breath and you will find the top speed you are looking for.

There is the evidence. 1 ounce of oil per 1 gallon of fuel (128:1). One more tip, it is not sufficient to just toss gas and oil into the fuel tank. They have to put in a separate container and shaken vigorously to mix them.

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