Ezgo dies under power then regains power
Hi, i just bought a 1991 textron ezgo electric cart ser. No. 650188 model j 1191. I don't know much about it. I think this is what is called a resistor system. There's a couple resistors on the solenoid. The problem is, the cart will take off normally, the suddenly quit / die and will not continue until you let off the pedal all the way and push it again. Once you push the pedal, you can hear the solenoid click and power is restored. You can restore power while moving and not even stop. It will do this at just about any speed. It does it intermittantly, but quite a lot. I've checked wiring connections for corrosion or loose wires. I've charged the batteries and check cables. All looks good. It's as if the solenoid looses it's connection and has to be re activated, then it will go again. It keep repeating the process. I've read how to check solenoids, controllers and the pot box. But thought maybe someone could head me in the right direction. Is it a micro switch? Or limit kill switch? (don't know if it even has one). Thanks.