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Old 01-18-2012, 11:58 PM   #1
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Question G1 not power power coming from magneto?

Recently bought a g1. Checked all wiring using a wiring diagram and still no spark. I've read all the posts on this site and still no help. It also looks like I'm missing relays. Does this matter? I even replaced the cdi using the $20 method mentioned on this site. I have power to my starter, and both solenoids. Just nothing from the motor and through the cdi. Does this need it's own ground somewhere? I have a new ignition coil coming also. I was getting some power through the brown wire before I cleaned the magneto. Now nothing. And nothing through the orange wire. Any help would be great. Thanks
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Old 01-19-2012, 04:22 AM   #2
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Cool Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

What year ? does the motor spin over? have you checked the fuses? the four wires that come out of the engine, check the conections there. the black wire grounds to the back of the timing plate. my g1 had a ground between the battery & the fender well, it was all corroded so i put right to the neg side of battery. should be a fuse on the front of the fender well. if you are missing relays that could be it. where at? someone will come along that knows more. hope this helps.
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Old 01-20-2012, 09:32 AM   #3
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Default Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

It's a 79. The motor turns over. Getting about 7 volts through the brown wire coming from motor. Both solenoids are getting power. Starter/generator turns fine. Not sure what the missing relay does.
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Old 01-20-2012, 09:58 AM   #4
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Default Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

A 79 Yamaha does not have any relays on it so it must be something else that is missing. Where is the missing part located?
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Old 01-20-2012, 11:42 AM   #5
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Default Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

I think it's a 79. Basing the missing relays on the wiring diagram. Located near the cdi and voltage regulator. Based on other engine pictures I've seen. Can the stater/magneto go bad? Everything is cleaned.
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:49 PM   #6
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Default Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

There is a delay/relay located by the CDI and voltage regulator on 82 and later G1's. If your cart is a 79 you won't have a relay and a wiring diagram for 82 and later will be confusing. An easy way to tell is by the solenoids. If all the wires are on the front of the solenoids then you have an 81 or earlier model. If you have solenoids where the wires go to the front and back of the units then it is an 82 and later model. Also, if your car is a later model with the delay/relay missing there will be a plug there going to nothing.
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Old 01-20-2012, 08:59 PM   #7
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Default Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

The wires are in front Of the solenoids. Thanks for clearing that part up. Maybe I have the wrong diagram. Still not gettIng the volts from the stater. Can this somehow go bad? How can you tell?
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Old 01-20-2012, 11:30 PM   #8
caddylac camper
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Default Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

Found this info in another forum hope it helps.

The G1-A gas car uses a CDI ignition system where 2 coils in the magneto generate a \"charge\" and a \"signal\" AC voltage that goes to a \"Black Box\" ignitor unit which then sends a pulse of DC voltage at the appropriate moment to the ignition coil, generating a spark at the plug when the rapidly expanding primary winding's magnetic field induces a corresponding high voltage in the secondary windings. The key switch, which has a forward and reverse position, grounds one or the other end of the \"signal\" coil in the magneto to determine proper timing BTDC depending on engine rotation direction.

Now that I said all that. Somewhere back in the archives I have typed a long full explanation of the troubleshooting steps and wiring. I'll try again. Basically, you check all the things around the black box and replace it if all else checks good (there is no test for the box).

At the black box: look for 30~40 vAC on the orange wire to the coil (it's really 40vDC in a rapid pulse, but, unless you have a peak voltage meter, you get a more accurate reading with the AC meter on your VOM). If you have that voltage and no spark suspect the ignition coil (or plug cap..or just a bad plug).

Ground lead of meter will go to a black wire on all tests. Not to frame (it isn't grounded).

No voltage on the Orange wire? Check AC voltage on the brown wire into the box. If I remember correctly, it should be about 20 vAC. No good? bad charge coil in mag. OK? check between white/red wire and white/green wires. Should be about 5 vAC. If NG the pulse coil is bad. OK? check continuity of white/red and white/green to ground (black) in forward and reverse key position. I don't recall which is which, but one should be grounded in each position and not the other (0 ohms one way and about 5 or 10 the other.. the resistance of the coil).

If all the voltages from mag to box are good, and key switch is grounding alternate white/r-g wires, but no voltage on orange wire to the coil, then the CDI unit is bad (and that is $$$)

Oh yeah, The stop switch at the accelerator pedal has a black/white wire that shorts the ignition when pedal is lifted to kill the engine. Unplug the black/white wire at the CDI box as a first test. If you have spark now, the stop switch is stuck or failed.

by ed eskew.
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Old 01-21-2012, 04:37 PM   #9
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Default Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

I have 7 volts coming from the stater. The brown wire. Can one Of the magnets go bad?
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Old 01-21-2012, 09:17 PM   #10
caddylac camper
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Default Re: G1 not power power coming from magneto?

Voltage is low coming from the charge coil so i would look at the connections and ensure they are clean, also make sure the wires are intact. Make sure the ground wire on the engine is clean and tight. Once the voltage comes up on the brown wire it will either work or you proceed to more troubleshooting on the signal side of the magneto.

Last edited by caddylac camper; 01-21-2012 at 10:41 PM.. Reason: wrong info
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