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Old 11-06-2012, 07:50 PM   #1
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Default Ezgo disk brakes

I bought a set of the disk brakes that where on sale. They squeak badly when backing up. When i tighten them up where they quit, they are dragging. Im starting to regret buying them. Any suggestions?
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Old 11-06-2012, 07:55 PM   #2
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Default Re: Ezgo disk brakes

If they squeak when backing up they are to tight... The other item you need to do is make sure the equalizer is pulling on each one equally, cables stretch and you may need to make some adjustments, also take any slack out of the compression spring underneath. You do not need slack in that spring like you do with the stock brakes, make it tight.
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Old 11-06-2012, 08:58 PM   #3
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Default Re: Ezgo disk brakes

If i loosen them up anymore the pedal will go to the floor. I noticed my eq. is pulling the passanger first. How do u fix that?
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Old 11-07-2012, 06:07 AM   #4
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Default Re: Ezgo disk brakes

I don't have disk brakes, but the original brake cables had a long on for the passenger side and a shorter one for the driver's side. It's possible that they stretch at a different rate, and there's no way to adjust this out if that's what's going on. The compensator should correct for this, but I'm sure it has its limits. You may need new cables.

Again, I don't have disks, so take this with a grain of salt.
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Old 11-07-2012, 03:35 PM   #5
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Default Re: Ezgo disk brakes

So here is what I would do...assuming you followed all instructions correctly. This is a bit tricky to explain but I will try my best.

1. Clean and lubricate your cables.... This will require you to remove the cables from underneath the cart. Clean them with something like brake cleaner to get any crud off, they should slide in the case with ease but as they get older and get crud in the case they don't move as well. Spray some brake cleaner down the tube and move the cable back and fourth to make sure if is free.
Then liberally apply WD-40 or some other lubricant to both ends of the cable and move it back and fourth continuously till you work the lubricant through the entire length of the cable. Re-install the cables.

2. Use the equalizer adjuster nut underneath and tighten them till they drag a bit, depress the pedal hard two to three times and adjust again.

Now set the emergency brake, and look underneath... If your cables have stretched the equalizer may not be square to the cart and so when tension is applied it may look uneven or in other words not a right angle to the long bolt. This is fine if you have stock brakes, as each brake has an independent adjusters built in but it is NOT fine for these brakes. Determine which cable is is longer than the other one, this will be the side of the equalizer that is closer to the front of the cart when the cables are under load, i.e. emergency brake set. Take a set of vice grips and grip the cable back where it is going into the tube so that when you release tension on the brake pedal, the cable and particular brake stays locked. This is a bit tricky but, now release the emergency brake, grab the equalizer, and physically make it 90 degrees to the adjuster rod, with your hand slowly press the brake pedal again till the other side is locked up tight and the adjust starts to go out of square. Gauge the gap difference between the two sides and take up the slack out of the cable that is stretched so that when it the pedal is depressed the equalizer is staying a 90 degrees to the bolt.

Note you can fix this two ways, 1 buy new cables so they are not stretched but will over time... or do what I did, knowing my cables were already stretched, and after I had gauged the difference between the cables.....I made two c-clips to up that space. I made the two clips out of washers, kinda like the idea of the c-clips that hold the brake cables in place. I just used my dremel, to cut a notch out of two washers that filled the space perfectly allowing for a nice 90 degree relation between the equalizer and the adjusting rod/bolt. So in other words, make two c-clips out of washers. Inserted them on over the cable between the cable stop (end) and the adjuster. When you release the vice grips, the tension on the brake cables will hold everything in place. But I then locked everything in place with a ton of hot glue.. It won't come free, but can be removed if I need to. Now when you press on the brake, the equalizer should stay 90 degrees and apply equal pressure to both calipers.

3. Now that you have figured out how to get the equalizer at a nice 90degree with equal pressure on both calipers, drive it, and adjust again till they feel good and it rolls freely. The pads have a protective coating so that is why you have to drive it a few times and adjust, also on the bottom there is the giant spring that compresses....use the nuts on the forward end of this spring and tighten it all the way down so the spring is compressed, that will help remove any slop and you'll still be able to easily set the parking brake. Also, as they break-in they will smell a bit as the coating burns off the pads, this is normal.

After a few days of driving you may have to readjust slightly.

And for what is worth, NO WAY would I go back to stock, once you get both calipers hitting with equal pressure and fine tune the system the stopping power is amazing. I can lock up both tires easily if I need to.
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Old 12-07-2019, 09:53 AM   #6
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Default Re: Ezgo disk brakes

WHAT DISK BRAKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I am trying to find a disk brake mod kit for my wife's cart for Christmas but the ONLY thing i can find is the bdamn Ausco kit on amazon... and THERE IS NO WAY TO CONTACT ....A...N...Y....... seller directly to ask questions.
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Old 12-07-2019, 10:32 AM   #7
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Default Re: Ezgo disk brakes

Originally Posted by GoJimGo View Post
WHAT DISK BRAKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I am trying to find a disk brake mod kit for my wife's cart for Christmas but the ONLY thing i can find is the bdamn Ausco kit on amazon... and THERE IS NO WAY TO CONTACT ....A...N...Y....... seller directly to ask questions.
Uhhh, if it’s useless, kick rocks on your way down the road. Or, figure out how to use search and quit whining. There’s a bunch of threads on ausco disk brakes, including a sticky at the top of the page.

Either way, not the best way to get people to want to help you.
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Old 12-07-2019, 03:33 PM   #8
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Default Re: Ezgo disk brakes

Originally Posted by GoJimGo View Post
WHAT DISK BRAKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have Ausco disc brakes, but would hate to waste your precious time......

See Ya!
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