Older EZGO Marathon fast reverse, slow forward
I recently started working on a 1977 EZ GO Marathon(resistor cart). Have replaced a few things, batts, batt wiring, speed control board & throttle contact. I have pretty good speed in forward, but much better in reverse. For example, on hills it's sluggish going forward, but I can turn it around and move pretty good up the hill in reverse. The same is noticeable on flat ground. I looked at the f/r switch and noticed that I only have one microswitch. My question is, could this be the problem or could it be the f/r switch itself? I'm considering replacing the cam and contact board for the f/r switch and the micro switch. I have double checked the wiring and all seems to be in order. Any help with this would be great! Especially before I start throwing more $ at it. thanks.
Added some pics of this old boy! lol