Re: 1988 244cc 2PG Starting Issue
THATS THE PROBLEM!!! you want to tear it down again and using a good rag go ahead and wipe out all the gunk that you just filled the jug with ( and yes thats what i was refering too) DO NOT DUMP ANY GAS OR USE ANY CLEANER when cleaning out the jug. it will ruin the crank bearings in about 2 days if that. i did the same thing and thought i had a great seal. i did not and when i opened it up, the bottom of the piston all the way to the bearings were covered in a nice slime. any kind of rtv likes to break down as soon as it hits gas. also you are not trying to find a voltage when checking the pulsar you are looking for an ohms resistance because voltage on a voltmeter will not keep up with the motor. so be looking for a continuous ohm reading...before you do all that take off the plug ground it and run the motor for about 5-10 seconds. clean the plug bone dry and put it back in. turn it over a second or two if there is gas on the plug with no choke needed then its the little pin behind the float in the carb and you are flooding it. it if is bone dry after you try to start it no choke and then wet after a choke i would look for a leak ( if you do not tear down the motor again before that.) and it it is still bone dry its the threaded part coming straigt from the bowl. need to double check for stripped threads and reset the set screw on the side for just over 1 and a half turns out. if it starts then i would back it out 2 full turns and try again, if it starts try 2 and a half. then after having it running at W.O.T. or as best you can get to wide open at the farthest out slowly tun the screw in till it almost dies out and lock it in place. (hint: if you seperate the little seal washer on the spark plug and the housing it will spark in between the washer, the threads, and your ground and it will make a little popping sound.{good coil} if it still sparks and a there is a large blue spark and a bunch of little ones recheck for bare wires in the system. if the sparks are small all the time and seem to be jumping around on the tip instead of filling the entire gap there is a) bad voltage to the coil or B) too much of a gap. i ran mine at about .23 for a very long time and it ran great... did "smoke" the plug a little but no major parts to change. besides, trying to find the issue before tearing down again is big could be the carb. and if not then a tear down is looking like a need besides just cleaning out the mess.