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Old 09-15-2018, 03:29 PM   #1
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Default 91 Clubcar no gas after a mile

I've inherited a 91 Clubcar with the flathead engine. I done a good bit of reading here to bring it back to life but I haven't found a topic on this yet. It runs fine but after about a mile it dies. I have a clear fuel filter down stream of the pump and every time I flip up the seat its empty. Once everything cools down it will run fine again for about a mile. I've already replaced the fuel pump and it does this with the new one as well as the old one.

Today I ran it to the point of quitting and pulled the impulse line to check it and there was still an impulse there. I put the impulse line back on then pulled the line off the filter and tried starting the engine and I just got a few drops from the pump. Every now and again I'll get enough gas for two or three hits then no more fuel.

Any thoughts?
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Old 09-16-2018, 05:36 PM   #2
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Default Re: 91 Clubcar no gas after a mile

The gas cap may not be venting. Loosen the gas cap and see if it works.
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Old 09-17-2018, 04:21 AM   #3
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Default Re: 91 Clubcar no gas after a mile

You're sure it's not an issue with no fuel? Maybe it's flooding out? Could be a bad needle/seat in the carburetor float bowl.

Also could be a coil going bad. They're known for running fine when cool, but once the engine warms up they crap out.

When it dies out and won't start, have you pulled the fuel hose off and hit the pedal just to see if you're truly not getting any fuel?

I had this problem once and a carb swap cured it.
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Old 09-17-2018, 08:16 AM   #4
British born Nincompoop
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Default Re: 91 Clubcar no gas after a mile

Also check for an air leak in the line between the tank and pump. Any air getting in will starve the pump and prevent it from pulling up fuel. Also, check that the line from the tank is not blocked. I dont know your particular cart but some have a solid pickup tube in the tank and the leak could be here or maybe there is a filter at the bottom of the pickup tube and it may be blocked not allowing fuel to flow up the tube.
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Old 09-18-2018, 09:10 PM   #5
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Default Re: 91 Clubcar no gas after a mile

Thanks for the responses. Here's the update. I ran the cart without the gas cap and after about a mile same issue engine sputters and quits running. I immediately pulled the spark plug and cranked the engine and was still getting a good spark, so it appears the ignition system isn't to blame. I pulled the fuel line off at the fuel pump and turned the engine over. Once again just a small trickle of fuel and not enough pressure to push the fuel through the filter and fill the clear filter. Then I removed the fuel filter and could get just enough gas pumping to the carb to limp the cart back to the house.

Like I said this is a new fuel pump and all new fuel lines. I'll double check that I don't have air getting in somewhere. But now I'm thinking I must be having some problem with the impulse line when the motor gets up to operating temperature. I checked the oil and its in the dead middle of the hashmarks on the dip stick. Can you use a pressure of vacuum gauge to tell if the impulse line is operating properly?

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Old 09-19-2018, 01:19 AM   #6
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Default Re: 91 Clubcar no gas after a mile

Get a piece of fuel line long enough to reach from the bottom of the tank to the pump. pull the existing hose off the pump and replace with the new hose, drop the other end of the hose into the tank and try again. If you now get ggod pulse of fuel, the problem is either a blocked line or air pulling in somewhere before the pump. This simple test will prove, pulse, and pump at the same time.
You say you have a new pump and lines, but how does the fuel line connect to the tank. If it is to a union on top of the tank, the culprit could be the pickup tube blocked or split.
Also, you may have bought a cheap or otherwise faulty pump. To test the pump on its own, run a fuel line from a can or jug direct t the pump and test by cranking the engine. I know that earlier yamaha's suffered from a clogged pulse line, so make sure your club car one is clear.

And yes you can use a guage to test the pulse, but you should feel it ok with a finger over the tube.
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fuel pump, gas, impulse line, quit, starve
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