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Ezgo Gas Tech Resource info, wiring diagrams and how to's for Gas powered EZGO golf carts

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Old 06-18-2007, 12:50 PM   #1
mb523's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Western Massachusetts
Posts: 656
Default Changing differential lube in a DANA rearend

Ok all you 2-stroke owners, ever wondered how to change your rear end lube in your cart? Here is a step-by-step with some pics that will help guide you!

Here is your good old DANA/Spicer rear differential gearbox. All you have to do to drain it is to take out the bolts holding the cover on and let it drain into a pan or small bucket :CAUTION: it does hold quite a bit of oil! If the oil is original, there will be a gasket between the housing and the cover. More on this after the pic:
EZGO Rear Differential

IF you have a paper gasket, peel it off best you can and clean both mating surfaces very well. I used a razor blade and some light sand paper, making sure not to get any particles in the gears.

Gather your new materials, the new lube, I used a heavy duty 80W-90 from wally world, and a tube of RTV silicone sealant. You will use the sealant to make a gasket to seal the cover to the housing.
EZGO Gear Oil

As per the directions on the RTV sealant tube, apply it to the mating surfaces and re-insert the bolts, tightening them down in a criss-cross pattern, but not too tight. Let the sealant set as per the directions on the tube.

Once the sealant is set, remove the fill hole in the differential cover. It is on the left side of the cover. It is shown below removed.
E-Z-GO rear diff plug

Fill the differential on level ground through this hole. My differential took the whole bottle (about 1 U.S. Quart). Fill it until oil starts to overflow from the filler hole. Cleanup any excess spillage and replace the filler plug.

You have successfully changed the rear end fluid in your DANA/SPICER differential! Keep an eye on the cover seal for any possible leaks. After driving it for a while, re-check the oil level on level ground. An easy way to check it is to place the tip of your pinkey finger down into the hole. It should come out with oil on it. I had to top off mine after a few weeks of driving. Air pockets get worked out thus loosing some volume.
EZGO Rear diff

This is a very simple, easy, and cheap project that will make your cart last longer and run more efficient. I gained at LEAST 3MPH more with the new oil! Enjoy, and feel free to ask questions.
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