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Ezgo Gas Tech Resource info, wiring diagrams and how to's for Gas powered EZGO golf carts

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Old 07-14-2007, 11:53 PM   #1
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Default Ezgo governor adjustment 4 strokes

The governor is the device that limits the speed of the engine. The Ezgo carts are set to run around 12 - 15 mph from the factory, this is to reduce liability for golf course's. It is also a federal mandate (USA)that these vehicles go no faster than 19.9 mph. Any faster and the cart makers would be required have to have seat belts and other saftey features which are not practical.
Ok, with that said the gas carts can run faster by adjusting the governor, but keep in mind that running the engine faster will increase engine wear.

The governor is located on top of the rear axle housing, on some models there will be a protection plate above it.
There are a few different types depending on the year of the cart. This is for the 4 stroke carts (it's the same for some of the last 2 stroke models but i'm not sure of the years). The first one starting around 1991 to 2000 will look like this.

The threaded rod that runs through the spring has a bigger nut and a locking nut which is wire tied on factory carts to hold it in place. These will need to be tightend up till the desired speed is reached.

These engines have a rev limiter which will cut the ignition off and on around 4300 rpm. The engine will sputter at higher speeds. You need to set the governor so the engines speed is under the rev limiter. It will take some adjusting to get this just right.

The 2001 and up is adjusted the same way(brand new models may not be the same), it looks a little different and has only one self-locking nut.

Last edited by rib33024; 10-31-2017 at 03:21 AM..
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Old 07-15-2007, 07:44 AM   #2
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Default Re: Ezgo governor adjustment 4 strokes

I STUCK IT! Nice post ruredy....Thanks.
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Old 08-16-2007, 08:20 PM   #3
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Default Re: Ezgo governor adjustment 4 strokes

Alright, one more ? , I tightened the gov. up, it runs like a bat out of hell, now the problem, off idle it wants to burp a little, like it gona spit back thru the carb, but once you get past that it`s runs great, do I need to adjust the valves ? or is it too lean ? Thanks , milo
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Old 08-16-2007, 08:28 PM   #4
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Default Re: Ezgo governor adjustment 4 strokes

You just need to make sure the carb closes before the ignition is shut off. It won't hurt to adjust the valves. I would also recomnend you run a good synthetic oil like Mobil 1.
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Old 03-05-2018, 08:26 PM   #5
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Ezgo gas rear end

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Old 04-06-2008, 11:56 PM   #6
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Default Re: Ezgo governor adjustment 4 strokes

In side the rear is the little weight that spin around and when they get to spinning to fast it pulls back through the lever on the cable going to the engine. The spring on the cable coming from the throttle allows for this movment and lets the gov do this. by tightening up the spring you are taking away some amount of movement the gov. can pull the cable. so what your basically doing by tightening the spring is not letting or limiting the amount the gov. can effect the system.
I always adjust them to where they won't dog out but not so much that it starts hitting the rev limiter. it'll probably take a few adjustment to get it where you like it, just try not to go so far your hitting the rev limiter (it starts sputtering)
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