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Old 01-16-2008, 10:34 PM   #21
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

ruredy, thats what I'm talking about. If they are going to offroad with large tires the 28 is the best mod for the money, especially if you change them yourself. I bought a new one cause the old one was about shot. The parts are less than $20.00 around here.

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Old 01-16-2008, 10:44 PM   #22
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

I just got my new belt today. Went outside to change the belts out and found that the new belt is wayyyy to short. I know you said it would be tight but would'nt fit. So I measured my belt and it is 47 3/4's OD. So, I guess I wasted some money on this belt. I did some research and found the ST480 uses that size belt. I guess the PO had the ST480 clutch installed. Is this what you are calling the 28* clutch? If it is I am just wondering how glen is using a stock belt on his? I found a belt that I think is for a Columbia drive belt that is 1 3/16 X 47 1/2 OD I guess this would be kind of the same idea as the 1in. shorter belt just not as short. Do you have a suggestion of a belt that would be a 1in shorter than what I have?

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Old 01-16-2008, 11:13 PM   #23
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

Originally Posted by flynhawaiian1 View Post
I just got my new belt today. Went outside to change the belts out and found that the new belt is wayyyy to short. I know you said it would be tight but would'nt fit. So I measured my belt and it is 47 3/4's OD. So, I guess I wasted some money on this belt. I did some research and found the ST480 uses that size belt. I guess the PO had the ST480 clutch installed. Is this what you are calling the 28* clutch? If it is I am just wondering how glen is using a stock belt on his? I found a belt that I think is for a Columbia drive belt that is 1 3/16 X 47 1/2 OD I guess this would be kind of the same idea as the 1in. shorter belt just not as short. Do you have a suggestion of a belt that would be a 1in shorter than what I have?

The belt mod and belt numbers are for a stock cart, not one with a v-twin in it. I'm guessing your cart has a v-twin (the st480 is a v-twin cart also). The 28deg clutch and the 36deg one are the same size, you can't tell the difference between them unless you look at the stamped number on it. Sorry if it wasn't clear enough about that being for a stock engine cart, the 28deg clutch would be a good choice if you don't already have one. As for the belt I'm not really sure about that one, I know my 480 doesn't need a shorter belt but it does have the 28 deg clutch on it.
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Old 01-16-2008, 11:52 PM   #24
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I do have a V-twin, Briggs 18hp high rev kit with Hi-comp head gasket. But, when I bought the cart it had a stock 9hp in it. So, the rear clutch was in the cart and as far as I know the same belt is being used on the cart now. I could be wrong, but the belt has some cracks in between the groves so I assume it's not a new belt. So, I guess I need to know if any of you other guys had to put a longer belt on when you put your big blocks in?
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Old 01-17-2008, 12:53 AM   #25
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

The vtwin carts use a longer belt than the stock engine carts, the clutches are basicaly the same size and could even be your stock clutches. whoever did your install should be able to help with a belt. If not I think Tom from CPP can help you with the belt.
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Old 01-17-2008, 03:59 PM   #26
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

Is there a belt you guys would reccomend for a G16?
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Old 01-17-2008, 10:20 PM   #27
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

I guess I could have been more clear on my definition of a stock belt. The Vtwins do use a little longer belt but they have for and aft adjustment in the eng mount on the swing arm. But trust me, the 28 degree is the way to go. Unless you are dragracing. For offroading or hauling it will make a different animal of it. Sorry if I confused anyone.

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Old 01-24-2008, 06:39 PM   #28
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

I have the clutch that I changed to 28 degrees, I have decided to go the big block route. Should I change the clutch back?
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Old 01-24-2008, 07:17 PM   #29
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

Originally Posted by onemorebeer View Post
I have the clutch that I changed to 28 degrees, I have decided to go the big block route. Should I change the clutch back?
It would probably be quicker off the line with a 36deg clutch if that matters to you. If you use the cart for hauling or pulling I would more than likely keep the 28. It can get annoying to have the engine rev up pretty high just to get the cart going though, I tend to forget about that cause the bigger tires I run won't let that happen as bad. you'll be able to adjust how it takes off a little by moving the engine backwards or forwards when you get the vtwin installed.
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Old 01-24-2008, 10:57 PM   #30
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Default Re: Shorter Belts and 28 degree driven clutch

If you are going to offroad KEEP the 28

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