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Electric EZGO Electric EZ GO Marathon, Medalist, TXT and RXV.

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Old 07-05-2008, 08:55 PM   #1
Not Yet Wild
Join Date: May 2008
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 33
Default 2000 PDS Resistor Across Solenoid Terminals

I am new to PDS carts, but am familiar with older carts and DC fundamentals. Trying to read a lot and figure out how these beasts work. I recently purchased a 2000 ezgo Medalist cart and have a forward reverse/speed issue. Followed my own advise and took it to a shop and was advised by a supposedly reliable tech that my controller is faulty. Not totally sure about that, but the new controller to be here Monday.

However, looking at the solenoid drawing provided in the service manual referenced on the BGW homepage, I see there is a resistor connected in parrallel with the primary solenoid terminals on the 2001and up drawing. My cart is a 2000 and the resistor is not there. Don't know if someone took it off or if it was not on the 2000 model.

Anybody out there know if the resistor has to be there, what is its purpose and foremost, vcould it cause the controller to failif it isn't there? I figure it is just to balance the current flow, but haven't found that written anywhere. From what I have read, I agree with the faulty controller diagnosis, but am curious about this component.

My primary symptoms:

1...F/R switch in the forward position, reverse beeper beeps. Cart moves forward but will not accellerate (seems to be reduced reverse speed).

2...F/R switch in reverse position, reverse beeper DOES NOT beep. Cart moves in reverse and accellerates to what would be a very acceptable forward speed. (Has a freedom chip in the controller now. Had an all terrain in originally, with same symptoms)

3...Sometimes, the cart functions properly. Runs real good, which I think rules out pedal switches and ITS.

Secondary symptoms:

1...Controller will NOT go into diagnosis mode.

2...Sometimes I do get an intermittent 3-2 "beep" code. According to the fault code legend, this indicates the solenoid is welded...However, replacing the solenoid did not correct problems.

I am hoping the new controller will resolve the issues. HOwever, I was just wondering what the resistor across the solenoid does. Don't want to blow the new controller due to a missing component. The tech at the shop didn't say anything about it not being there. He said the wiring was right and didn't look like wiring had been tampered with. His diagnosis is a faulty controller. That seems to be the typical diagnosis when these things "go squirrlly". I didn't know enough to ask about the resistor at that time and he is gone on vacation.

Thanks for any input on this. I will post the results of the new controller Monday and any other tid bits I come across in this adventure.

Last edited by captkirknc; 07-05-2008 at 09:08 PM.. Reason: Darn typo,,,can't seem to catch them on preview...
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